Life Expectancy

Live and thrive

Associated Factors

Project Information


In this section, we fully introduce the background of our life expectancy study. We emphasize the importance of our study and address our goal.

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In this section, we introduce our data and give explanation of how we clean and include our data.

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In this section, we visuallize our data. Shiny app is also made and can be accessed via menu. 

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Prelimary Analysis

In this section, we perform prelimary analysis to test equal variance for different continents and development status

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Regression & Clustering

In this section, we will perform and show the implementation of linear regression and clustering on the life expectancy dataset.

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Based on the results, we make the conclusion in this section and discuss some potential limitation from our thesis.

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Team Member

This is our brilliant Teammembers

jingyi yao


youlan shen


yuchen zhang


Shun Xie
